PC Auto Bond Epoxy 1oz (1629724D) (081112)

PC Auto Bond Epoxy 1oz (1629724D) (081112)

J-B Weld Tankweld Epoxy 1oz (8008865)

BBD 15.15
Availability: In stock
  • J-B Weld TankWeld is a hand-mixable, steel-reinforced, non-rusting epoxy putty that quickly repairs or rebuilds anything made of metal
  • After mixing, it forms an industrial-strength polymer compound that can be molded into shapes or used to build up, patch and repair steel components
  • TankWeld sets in 5 minutes and after 60 minutes, can be drilled, tapped, machined, ground, filed and painted
  • AutoWeld cures to a dark grey color, is rated at a strength of 4000 PSI and will withstand temperatures up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Hand-mixable, steel-reinforced, non-rusting epoxy putty that quickly repairs or rebuilds anything made of metal
  • Great for gas tanks, radiators, lawn and garden equipment, water tanks and all metals
  • Sets in 5 minutes and fully cures dark grey in 1 hour with a strength of 4000 PSI
  • Once cured, it can be drilled, tapped, machined, ground, filed and painted and will withstand continuous temperatures up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Hand kneadable, steel reinforced stick epoxy that bonds instantly Will cure on wet and dry surfaces, including gasoline
  • Great for gas tank, water tank and radiator repairs
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